Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Latest Invention: Flexible E-paper from LG

As we already know, our world is flooded by so many news and every country has their own news and issues that they faced everyday and all this news are gathered in newspaper or in other mass communications like internet, television, radio and magazine including newspapers in order to communicate to people. Besides that, people in this world live with current issues and news in order for them to make sure that they are updated with new changes in their country especially in terms of technology and from these changes they will alert and beware for new coming devices or technologies in their country. So, now I will discuss some technology invention that already happen in South Korea in terms of replacement of traditional newspaper to the flexible e-paper from the well known brand that is LG.

As you can see the image, this is what I mean the flexible e-paper that already replace the traditional newspaper in South Korean. According to the, this device could save tons of paper, wastewater and considerably cut carbon emissions. So, from here indirectly LG can save their cost to produce the newspaper. In terms of its specification, LG has presented a model that has a 19 inch screen and just 0.3mm thick which is equivalent to five sheets of paper. But, the real device that will hit the market is going to have 11.5 inch display. In addition, this device weights is 130 grams and it is different from other e-readers due to the fact that it features a new technology that allows it to bend and return to initial shape.

So, what I can say from this information is when this device is created and already produced in the market absolutely it can generate high demand from the consumer in order to create high profit to the company. It can generate high demand from the consumer because as we already know that the characteristic of consumers is curious to know something new especially in terms of technology. Thus, from this they will take an advantage in order to know more details about the new product by purchase it from the market and according to the, this latest invention will appear in the first half of 2010. Besides that, it also can increase high consumer’s perception in terms of the brand name of LG because there are no other brands that create this kind and features like this flexible e-paper by LG. As a result, when LG brand comes to consumers mind they will expect high features from the brand itself. Besides that, in terms of employer they also can upload their news and issues in this e-paper easily without having difficulties because consumer can search anything about the current news and issues.

Furthermore, in term of its specification it will give good handling to consumers and it will make consumers easy to use or consume it. This is because based on its appearance and shape, it is same like traditional newspaper but the difference is it does not have many pages and section in order for consumer to turn into the next page but consumer can only turn the next page by touching the screen. For me, this is very interested issues regarding technology invention in term of information technology. In addition when the company creates this kind of device indirectly it will save and give good impact towards environment. Here means that based on the traditional newspaper it is made from paper and in order to get a paper the manufacturer got the raw material from trees or from the ashes of the woods. So, this is what we called harvesting of hundreds of millions of trees in order to produce paper. Now, LG brands have already take new alternatives to avoid this situation or environmental impact from happening without mercy towards nature.

For a conclusion, the expansion and invention of technology information system in our world will help most of people who are live in this world. In addition, it also will ensure that our life is very easy because all the information is in our finger tips.

BY: Muhammad Hanif Bin Abdul Gafar


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